mandag den 7. marts 2011

No Strings Attached !

 some days ago i was at a girls night out event in cinemaxx. girls night out is a great thing, it being hold one a month, its always on the upper floor, where there is some nice little shops and free cider. when you have found your seats there is free candy and a newspaper on it. then a woman goes on the stage and thanks all the sponsors, and call out some seats numbers and give presents, this months movie was No strings attached with natalie portman and ashton kutcher, the titel says pretty much wath the movie is about its about friends with benefits. at first i was thinking it was a typical Hollywood love movie, and it pretty much are, but the story is so sweet and the acting so amazing, in the end it didn't felt like a typical love movie. there is some priceless moments in the movie like when Ashton makes her a  menstrual mix CD :D  it was so fucking fun ! one of the songs was " bleeding in love " in the end of the movie i actually almost cried, but im a bit of a cry baby, so i wold say it a classy love movie with fantacic actors and super sweet moments you can really feel the love so if your having a bad day ore just need some movie love go see it.i

iim gonna give it 4 stars    

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